Voltage Drop

What is Voltage drop:   Voltage drop is an issue where the voltage slowly becomes weaker as the line of garden lights get longer...

All garden lighting will suffer from voltage drop in some way but this explaination is focussed on the Lumenesk, Do it yourself garden ligthing system.

A quick example is a set of garden lights 50m long, the first light which would be the closest to the driver would get the full output of the driver,  in this case 12volts and would burn at its brightest.  As the cable get longer and longer the voltage would slowly drop to the point where at the 50m mark the voltage might be down to 8 or 9 volts.  Lumenesk choose their globes very carefully and we only use globes that can still provide great brightness even though the power has weakened, however all globes will get to a point where they diminish in their light output.

Voltage drop varies due to many different circumstances (Length of the cable, the thickness of the cable, the amount of lights connected etc etc) but if you keep your system to the 40m mark then our lights will still perform well.

Please Note: Our Fairy lights don't like voltage drop, they must always be installed close to the driver to work well.  Unfortunately if they are towards the end of a long run of cable they will be very dim and may even turn off.

The following picture is a visual representation of how garden lighting is affected by voltage drop.