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The Airbus range of exhaust fans are design to produce superior airflow, they are known for great static pressure which means it can continue to produce good airflow with ducting connected. The Airbus range is a mix and match range, you choose the motor size and then choose the front grille you prefer.
This item is the Airbus 200 motor only. It comes on a flex and plug power cable and will suit all the smaller 200 airbus from grilles.
The Airbus 200 suits toilets, powder rooms and small bathrooms. There are larger Airbus 225 and 250 models that can move more air for larger bathrooms and high steam environments.
Airbus 200 Motor - Specifications
Designed to fit the 200 size range of face plates - choose the face plate separately.
**The Airflow of the Airbus range of fans have been measured using an international standard that is not widely used in measuring fans, while most fans are quoted on their airflow measured in the factory. This international standard presents airflows lower than the factory standard however these fans perform well above competing models.